Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Top 5 dEUS Songs

dEUS are a curveball. Or at least, they were. Messy, erratic, inventive, but also - at times, incredibly accessible and pop. Just compare something as off the wall as Theme from Turnpike to something as simple as Little Arithmetics or the more recent Architect. Nowadays dEUS are roaming around Coldplay territory, albiet with knowing winks to their experimental past. Really, if this band were not from Belgium, they'd be humungous. And no, I'm not anti-Belgium, it is a very lovely place, but dEUS themselves have written a song about just how much NOT being from the US or UK affects your chances of world domination - Popular Culture - "Let me tell you a thing bout popular culture/American swing/the British add sulphur/I'll buy you a beer/If you can compete from here..."

All this aside, the first 3 dEUS albums are just mind blowing - and they pulled off writing "Hotellounge" - one of the greatest rock songs of the 90's, without question - so here goes.

1. Instant Street (The Ideal Crash, 1999)

Oh, humble beginnings. The way this seemingly simple, country-tinged song morphs into the raucous finale is what elevates this into the top 5. A firm fan favourite, and you can see why.

2. Suds and Soda (Worst Case Scenario, 1994)

Euphoria. Dance music people use that word far too much - this is what it really sounds like. A klaxon alarm bell of a rock song. Frankly, exhausting in its relentlessness.

3. Right as Rain (Worst Case Scenario, 1994)

A very personal song - written from the point of view of standing over his fathers grave and feeling completely numb. It's creepy as hell, but also very honestly beautiful.

4. Roses (In a Bar, Under the Sea 1996)

I'm dedicating this one to my good friend Jonny, who introduced me to dEUS through this song. Still, when this come on my iPod I feel like a have to ready myself for the coming storm. The part where he snarls "She cuddles, she coos, and she cuts the bullshit out..." Damn.

5. Hotellounge (Worst Case Scenario, 1994)

This may well make my desert island discs or something - there are so many moments in this 100% perfect rock song that I could write an entire article about. Recently, one of my favourite bands and live acts, The Frames, covered it, and it felt like that moment when your favourite band plays your favourite song - absolutely right.

Remember the order is not important, but the songs are.